Philippians 1:3 ("I thank my God upon every remembrance of you...")
I count every remembrance of my loved ones a blessing...and every image is a continued blessing!
Welcome to my bloghome! Here I share favorite images, special moments, information, honors and little glimpses into my life. You are welcome to share in my life as is seen through my eyes, my lens and my vision. ~sherry boles
Absolutely NO COPYING these images in any way (which includes downloading) without EXPRESS permission from the photographer! It's against the law and not very nice. All images in this blog are property of sherry s. boles and are protected by Federal Copyright Laws. A download tracker is installed on this blog.

Saturday, May 11, 2013


This has been a very emotional weekend for me.

Friday, my little girl turned 11 years old and we celebrated.  Not only was it her birthday but her birthday wish had come true:  Her big sister came to see her.  (We haven't seen her since Christmas time.)  I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed seeing the joy on her face when her sister surprised us.  I cannot tell you the joy that I felt having both of my girls with me. 

I couldn't help but think back to the year that my youngest daughter was born.  She was welcomed into this world on a Friday.  I remember the feel of her warm skin against mine.  I remember the joy of meeting her in person.  I also remember the tension as complications threatened my life.  I also remember the doctor telling us that something was wrong and that she would be transferred to a neonatal unit over an hour away.  I remember the heartbreak of watching my baby leave.  I remember the reluctance of the doctor as he released me against what he would have done otherwise.  I remember the smell of the neonatal unit.  I remember holding to the few moments that we were allowed to see her for the next few days.

I remember Mother's Day.  I remember the hurt of not being able to hold my newborn baby in my arms.  I remember the pain of our family being separated.  I remember the sadness of not being near either of my girls for long enough.

I tried to enjoy every minute of being around my girls this weekend...because I knew that it was limited.  I needed to hold onto that joy.

I remember being a young mom and holding my babies.  I remember how being a mother was the best thing ever!  I remember feeling love that I had never known.  I remember holding them and never wanting to let them go...

I wish those moments lasted forever...
Because I still want to hold them and never let go...