Philippians 1:3 ("I thank my God upon every remembrance of you...")
I count every remembrance of my loved ones a blessing...and every image is a continued blessing!
Welcome to my bloghome! Here I share favorite images, special moments, information, honors and little glimpses into my life. You are welcome to share in my life as is seen through my eyes, my lens and my vision. ~sherry boles
Absolutely NO COPYING these images in any way (which includes downloading) without EXPRESS permission from the photographer! It's against the law and not very nice. All images in this blog are property of sherry s. boles and are protected by Federal Copyright Laws. A download tracker is installed on this blog.

Monday, August 22, 2011

project shoot

Themed photo shoots are a chance for my creative mind to go wild. This photo project was a creative response to the book, "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks."  From the time that I was presented with the idea, I started becoming excited about it.  However, I didn't realize how much that I would enjoy the finished product until I saw it with my own eyes.  I am honored to have been a part of this project.