Philippians 1:3 ("I thank my God upon every remembrance of you...")
I count every remembrance of my loved ones a blessing...and every image is a continued blessing!
Welcome to my bloghome! Here I share favorite images, special moments, information, honors and little glimpses into my life. You are welcome to share in my life as is seen through my eyes, my lens and my vision. ~sherry boles
Absolutely NO COPYING these images in any way (which includes downloading) without EXPRESS permission from the photographer! It's against the law and not very nice. All images in this blog are property of sherry s. boles and are protected by Federal Copyright Laws. A download tracker is installed on this blog.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Three Little Kittens

As most everyone who knows me is aware, my family is very animal rescue oriented. We've rescued in many different ways (shelter, rescue, from individuals...even Craigslist, a place I stay away from now). Most of the time it's a case where the animal needs rescue and some type of rehabilitation before finding a new home.

With finances and time becoming more limited, we have been forced to not be as involved in rescuing as we once were. Our family is filled with wonderful rescues and our dedication has to be to our family...including our four-legged members. However, we cannot turn our back on an animal in need if we can help.

That was the case with three little kittens recently. They were born in an industrial area. Mom had several litters at this location and this time the family was getting their walking papers. My husband didn't know what was done with the mother but there were three little kittens left. He was concerned about what would happen to the babies (there's no shelter or animal control where we live) so he called from work and I gave the ok to bring the "little orphans" home.

When they arrived I got out the camera in order to photograph them. What I saw, in interacting with them, were three terrified kittens who were too small to be away from mommy.  (The photos don't even reflect how small, skinny, a little wild/defensive and frightened that they were.)

My daughter immediately clung to the gray one. (Gray cats are her absolute favorite.

 While secure in her arms, I noticed that the little one was sticking out her tongue.  I figured it was maybe a nervous reaction.

...But it just kept happening...

...and over again.

I came to realize that this was her special sign of contentment.  Isn't she adorable!?!

Can you guess who found her home with us???  :)