Philippians 1:3 ("I thank my God upon every remembrance of you...")
I count every remembrance of my loved ones a blessing...and every image is a continued blessing!
Welcome to my bloghome! Here I share favorite images, special moments, information, honors and little glimpses into my life. You are welcome to share in my life as is seen through my eyes, my lens and my vision. ~sherry boles
Absolutely NO COPYING these images in any way (which includes downloading) without EXPRESS permission from the photographer! It's against the law and not very nice. All images in this blog are property of sherry s. boles and are protected by Federal Copyright Laws. A download tracker is installed on this blog.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Why I am saying goodbye to photography

(I cannot tell you how many times I’ve written a message like this one so it's time to make things "official.")

When love (or a dream) is involved, costs become clouded. I feel that I’ve been living on that cloud for too long now.

After my oldest daughter moved away, the costs of doing photography for others became more clear. With the mother/daughter bonding element removed, what I saw was many many hours spend catering to my pursuit of photography (studying, research, preparation, emailing, updating, investing resources, editing, etc.). Most of these hours were spent at a computer with my back turned to my family. Many nights I was up so late in order to keep from taking time from my family that I was constantly exhausted. That isn’t the life that I want.

In addition, our family and friends support base has been diminished over the past couple of years. My time became more limited and my shooting opportunities more rare.  I felt myself giving more of myself in life and getting less in return.  After almost 20 years of selfless giving to friends and family in some specific areas of my life, I have found myself surrounded with only my core of loved ones.

So, to be honest, I'm not saying goodbye to photography all together just narrowing my focus in a major way. :)

So what changes am I making? 

As 2014 began, I started working to present my portfolio to a specific agency. I was offered and accepted a contract with that agency in March. I am having to “learn the ropes” but it should offer me the opportunity to shoot things without taking away as much time from my family responsibilities.

At this time, I have decided to reserve my portrait shooting primarily for family. This should still allow me to do what I enjoy without the pressure of satisfying those who are not invested in what I do.

 As a result of this change in focus, I am able to spend less time on the computer (including social media) and more time with those who love me and are present in my life.
As many of you know, I am intensely family oriented. As a mom, a wife and a home school teacher, they deserve the best of me…and they need me more now.

The past couple of years have reinforced things that I hold to be true in my life.
*It’s hard to let go but sometimes holding on is harder. 
*Time is a priceless asset and we can never have enough of it with those who love us (and with those we love). 
*Creativity is a gift. It should be used wisely. 
*Life is about choices and each one comes at a cost…sometimes we just refuse to see the cost. 
*Looking for satisfaction/acceptance outside yourself is only a temporary high. 
*Don’t let that which is most precious to you slip away while you grasp at a dream that may not be yours to hold. 

A big THANK YOU to all those who have supported me…especially my family. I sincerely hope that the images I have done for others have found themselves in homes where they are loved, because I didn’t take lightly the opportunity to capture lasting memories.

I do not rule out returning to shooting for others in the future but now just doesn‘t seem to be my time. I’ve worked too hard for this dream.  It's time to let it go.  I hope my images continue to make people smile.  I hope I’ve made a difference somewhere along the way.
If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its yours forever. If it doesn’t, then it was never meant to be.  ~Unknown

So, with those things in mind, it's off into the sunset I ride... :)