Philippians 1:3 ("I thank my God upon every remembrance of you...")
I count every remembrance of my loved ones a blessing...and every image is a continued blessing!
Welcome to my bloghome! Here I share favorite images, special moments, information, honors and little glimpses into my life. You are welcome to share in my life as is seen through my eyes, my lens and my vision. ~sherry boles
Absolutely NO COPYING these images in any way (which includes downloading) without EXPRESS permission from the photographer! It's against the law and not very nice. All images in this blog are property of sherry s. boles and are protected by Federal Copyright Laws. A download tracker is installed on this blog.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Couldn't Say No

Fifteen years ago, a handsome young man nervously approached me after a Sunday morning worship service. For approximately the next month, I was treated to short conversations with this intriguing gentleman every Sunday and Wednesday. (Unknown to me, the minister had encouraged members to make my mom and I feel welcome...which was just the push this kind stranger needed to talk to me.)

My mom teased that this fine country boy was working up to asking for a date. I quickly dismissed the idea. Even if he was, I wasn't interested in a relationship. As a single mom, I already had my hands full. I didn't need the complications of dating. I was just fine the way I was.
In addition, this good-looking guy wasn't my type at all. He was a country boy. I dated conservatives or musicians (yeah, two ends of the scale). I wasn't into the country scene.
Then there was the issue of him being too young. I was a single mom with a painful past. Why would I young man be interested in that?
I informed my mom that if he did ask, the answer was "no." (I wasn't interested in putting my heart out there just to be broken again.)

On June 21, 2000, after Wednesday night Bible study, the good-looking young man found the courage to ask for that date. He asked to take me and my daughter to the movies. As I opened my mouth to say "no," I heard my voice saying, "yes!" And, as I jotted down my phone number on a scrap of paper, my inner voice was screaming for an explanation of what just happened. (It was like something out of a comedy movie going on in my head.)

One June 23, 2000, we went on a date to see Chicken Run...all three of us.

~ Summer 2000 ~

When he called for a second date, my "no" again turned into a "yes." By this time, I was curious about why I couldn't say no to this new adventure and I opened my mind to seeing where this would lead. From then on, we've been almost inseparable.

I quickly discovered that his attractive exterior covered an even more attractive heart. He was kind, patient, compassionate, understanding, honest, generous, loving and really loved the Lord...just to name a few qualities. I let go of my hang-ups, so (with nothing to hold me back) I fell fast and hard. My heart was overcome with a love that I'd never known. My stomach danced (and still does) with butterflies when I saw him. My eyes twinkled with the look of love (which I'm told they still do. :) )
I felt understood. I felt safe. I felt loved!

I hear women dating losers give the excuse that they don't want to miss Mr. Right. Well, in my experience, I have to say that if you truly follow after God and seek Him above all, He won't let you miss Mr. Right...even if you try. ;)   (But, be honest...Look for Mr. Right not Mr. Fixer-Upper.)

I know what it means to have someone who loves me even when I don't always love myself. I've told him numerous times that I'd rather be poor with him than rich with anyone else...and I mean it! Love is a priceless treasure...a value beyond measure.

I heard someone this past week say that they didn't believe in soulmates. Well, they are welcome to believe what they want, but as for me "...I found him whom my soul loveth..." (Song of Solomon 3:4 KJV)

Faith and Family...My Foundation....