With my hubby's 15 year old lab mix getting near then end of his life, we had talked about the addition of another dog. (My sister got me a dog after my cat of 11 years was diagnosed with kidney failure and not expected to live long. My cat lasted six months and my dog was such a comfort when I had to let her go. From a personal perspective, I wanted that kind of comfort for my hubby who was already struggling with the thoughts of letting go.)
We discussed many breeds...We discussed gender, color, personality...We wanted to find the perfect fit. We finally decided that we would get a boston terrier. My hubby had owned a boston mix before and I thought they were adorable so that decision was made. Then we decided on a male...since we've had better experiences with male dogs. We even decided on the name...Dillinger...unique and very masculine. :)
It would be several months before we would be able to add to our family. After all, finding a boston terrier to adopt was proving to be next-to-impossible...with all their hoops to jump through, the distances and the long line of adopters. There was always the breeder route...which we looked into too. I personally wasn't wanting a puppy since I didn't want to go through that stage...but my hubby disagreed there...So that one was kinda undecided. Whatever the case, all of them would require money that we don't have to spend right now so we were content to wait.
That was until my hubby saw a litter of cute little beagle mix puppies. (No, beagles weren't even on our list. And we don't even know what the daddy is.) The mother dog had been abandoned while pregnant. A stray, she found shelter in the form of a neighbor's porch. My hubby told me about the litter and how cute they were. I reminded him that beagles weren't the type of dog that we were looking for (there were several reasons that I had NOT to have a beagle) and this would be our last dog for a long time so we needed to be picky. But he couldn't stop thinking about one of the pups in particular. He was even more concerned when he was told that the mother dog was gone...It was suspected that she was killed. I finally told him that I would support whatever decision he made. He came home several days empty handed. I had come to the conclusion that he had decided not to get one of the abandoned pups when he showed up with an adorable little handful of cuteness!
Here are some images from his first night with us...
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When Boston had just arrived, this is the first image I took. I didn't even have my camera settings the way I wanted but I quickly snapped the shot knowing that it would be a moment to remember. |
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Asleep in his new "Daddy's" arms. :) |
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So adorable from head to spotted toes! :) |
*I had joked that we could always get a black/white dog and name it Boston if we couldn't get a boston terrier...So we combined Boston with the name that we were going to use for our boston terrier, Dillinger...and he became "our Boston Dillinger."
*His exact age is not known but we believe him to be about 7 weeks when he came to live with us last week...which would make him a whopping 8 weeks old now.
*He doesn't look like a beagle puppy...so I get lots of strange looks when I tell people he's a beagle mix.
*Boston is fitting into our family wonderfully! He and my hubby seemed to have an immediate bond.
*I can see how happy Boston makes my hubby and that makes me happy.
*Although he is starting to show his little stubborn side, his personality is mostly sweet and easy-going.
*He's proving to be a very smart little one.
*He's a little thing. :)
*He found a pillow and claimed it when he got here. It says "Angel."
*This week he showed me his new skill...digging. :/
*There wasn't a lot about him that fit "my list"...but I love him anyway! ♥