In honor of June being Adopt a Shelter Cat month, I decided to feature our rescued kitties. They are actually two years old but I still think of them as kittens. We got them when they were three months old from a local rescue. (Thanks, Robin!)
These two are sisters...who I didn't have the heart to separate. :)
We found out that a local rescue had three kittens remaining from a litter for adoption. My sister wanted one. My oldest daughter wanted one. Well, we just couldn't leave the third one by herself, of course.
We took all three to my house when we got them and immediately I noticed a connection between these two. (Ironically, my sister had already chosen the other kitten, who was much more independent.) Although they look so much alike, these two are so opposite. One is outgoing; the other reserved. One is easy-going; the other is more easily irritated. One loves dogs; the other one tolerates the dogs.
When they are separated for too long, they will search the house for the other one...crying for the "missing" one if she isn't located quickly. They are so bonded. I lovingly nicknamed them "the twins" not only due to their close likeness in looks but their unique bond. They eat together, play together, sleep everything together.
Both of them are sweethearts...and we are so happy to have them!
I count every remembrance of my loved ones a blessing...and every image is a continued blessing!
Welcome to my bloghome! Here I share favorite images, special moments, information, honors and little glimpses into my life. You are welcome to share in my life as is seen through my eyes, my lens and my vision. ~sherry boles