Some of the labels were positive. Others were not.
Some of the labels were given by people who may or may not have even known me. Others were given by someone who knows me so well...MYSELF!
I will never fit neatly into a box. I am a creative and expressive individual who cannot be defined in just a few words! My multi-faceted personality IS complex...and I do not feel a need to apologize for that!
I want to feel comfortable in my own skin and embrace all the variety within my own self! I want to throw the labels out the window and simply be who I am in the moment!
I know that it's an enormous goal...but, hey...that's what goals are for ~ to push ourselves into accomplishing new things!
Welcome to my new blog!
It's about my life, my loves and the beauty that I see. It's about not limiting myself but instead setting myself free to embrace the moments of my life! It's about growing to accept all the elements of my personality and photography.
Welcome to my little corner that I call home! :)